Canadian National Committee of the CIE
Welcome to our website. The CNC/CIE is the collective Canadian voice of people interested in the science and art of light and lighting. Membership is open to anyone interested in any aspect of lighting including vision, photometry, colorimetry, photobiology and the application of these to the use of light and lighting both indoors and out. For further information on the CNC/CIE go to About the CNC. For a list of recent events see our Activities page.
As part of its mandate, the CNC/CIE supports the Standards Council of Canada by providing the core of the membership of the Canadian mirror committee to ISO/TC 274 – Light and Lighting. ISO/TC 274 is responsible for standardization in the field of application of lighting in specific cases complementary to the work items of the CIE and the coordination of drafts standards from the CIE. For further information on ISO/TC 274 see About ISO/TC 274 or visit the ISO website.
2024 Annual Meeting
The CNC/CIE 69th Annual Meeting was held on 29th November 2024. Copies of the reports presented at that meeting can be found here.
Canadian Mirror Committee to ISO/TC 274 News
2024 Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Canadian Mirror Committee to ISO/TC 274 was held as part of the CNC/CIE Annual Meeting. Reports from that meeting are available as part of the reports for the CNC/CIE 2024 annual meeting.
Local Light and Lighting Events
Highlighting Consensus-Driven Development of an Important New Standard: Balancing Competing Interests in Lighting Quality and Energy Use
A cross-sectoral committee of the Illuminating Engineering Society recently developed TM-30, a standardized system for specifying and rating the color rendition of light sources. In this webinar, Dr. Michael Royer (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) and Dr. Kevin Houser (Oregon State University) will discuss the committee’s challenges, the collaborative approaches that led to both the creation and widespread adoption of the standard, and key lessons for other similar projects—including the benefits of aligning a project’s leadership structure with its goals.
Further details and registration information are here.
CIE News
CIE PS 002:2025 - CIE Position Statement on Colour Quality Metrics - 2nd Edition
The CIE has issues a new position statement, CIE PS 002:2025, on colour quality metrics. In it, the CIE discusses the rationale for the wider use of the CIE General Colour Fidelity Index (Rf) in place of, or along with, the CIE General Colour Rendering Index (Ra). The new metric, (Rf), was developed in 2017 to remedy previously identified technical problems with the old one, (Ra).The Position Statement is freely available on the CIE Website.
CIE Research Webinar "CIE Research Strategy 2023-2027"
A recording of the recent CIE webinar on "CIE Research Strategy 2023-2027," presented by Dr. Jennifer Veitch, is now available on Vimeo. It can also be accessed through the CIE website.
This recording is an excellent opportunity for researchers, research organizations, research funders and funding agencies to gain insights into the future direction of the CIE's research initiatives. Feel free to distribute this link through your colleagues.
CIE Midterm Meeting 2025
The 2025 CIE Midterm Meeting will be held in Vienna, Austria. It features the Scientific Conference, CIE 2025, to be held from July 7-9, 2025. This three-day conference brings together the CIE community and its stakeholders to advance the science of light and lighting, as well as the technical and organizational work of the CIE. The scientific conference will be preceded by the CIE General Assembly and other administrative meetings from June 4-6, 2025, and followed by the CIE Division and Technical Committee (TC) meetings on July 10th and 11th, 2025.
The submission system for contributions is now open. Instructions for submitting a paper can be found here. The deadline for submitting an abstract is 10 December 2024.
Further details are available on the Conference website or by downloading the First Conference Announcement.
Explore CIE's Comprehensive Datasets and Metadata Resource - Now Available Online
Looking for CIE datasets, like the new CIE L41 LED reference spectrum or the more traditional standard Illuminant A? For you, the CIE has curated its key and most popular FAIR datasets.
The datasets are easily findable on the CIE website along with references to the internationally approved CIE publications where they were originally published.
New CIE Research Forum: Lighting in the Usage of Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality Devices
CIE has a new Research Forum (RF-04) on Lighting in the usage of augmented, virtual, and mixed reality devices. It aims to research the lighting issues raised from potential applications and scenarios of Augmented Reality (AR) technology. These potential applications include but are not limited to map navigation, industrial workshop assembly drawings, and instructions, security alert and target identification, medical surgery application, etc. If you want to join in the discussion of RF-04 then simply complete the TC and RF Membership Application form (filling in the requirements for RF membership) and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for passing on to Molly Mou,the RF-04 Convener.
Call for Experts
CIE has over 70 Technical Committees (TCs) working on new reports and international standards. A brief description of each TC is available under CIE Technical Committees. If you have expertise to contribute to any of these, especially the new ones shown below, you can apply for membership by sending a completed CIE TC Membership form and CIE Copyright Agreement form to the relevant TC Chair, with a copy to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the CNC/CIE Secretariat. Please note that all Canadian members of TCs automatically become members of the CNC/CIE.
JTC 20 (D6/D2) Wearable alpha-opic dosimetry and light logging methods, limitations, device calibration and data schemes
In addition to Technical Committees, you are encouraged to participate in CIE Research Fora (RFs). RFs exist to facilitate ongoing knowledge exchange and research on a scientific topic or research area where there is insufficient completed scientific work to support the work of a CIE Technical Committee.
Currently the CIE has four RFs:
RF-01: Spectral Imaging
RF-02: Matters relating to temporal light modulation
RF-03: Matters related to Colour Rendition
RF-04: Lighting in the usage of augmented, virtual, and mixed reality devices
CIE Publications
One key activity of the CIE is the publication of technical and scientific work in the form of Technical Reports, International Standards, and Technical Notes. Technical Notes are freely available. Technical Reports and International Standards can be purchased through the CIE Web Shop. Summaries of recent publications, including links to recent Technical Notes, can be found under New Publications.
In addition to formal publications, the CIE Board of Administration will, from time to time, issue Position Statements. Summaries of recent CIE Position Statements can be found here.
Members of the CNC/CIE are reminded that they are able to get a discount on all CIE publications. The latest discount code, effective December 2020, is currently available in the members only area under Publication Discount Code. To log in, go to CNC/CIE Members. If you do not have access, please contact the CNC/CIE Secretariat.
For general enquiries contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..